India's best Engineering colleges

1. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Website: Established in 1959 as one of the first Indian Institutes of Technology, the institute was created with the assistance of a consortium of nine leading US research universities as part of the Kanpur Indo-American Programme (KIAP). Previous Ranking : 2011: 1 2010: 1 2009: 3 2008: 2 2007: 1 2006: 2 2005: 4 2. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Website: The institute was established as College of Engineering and Technology, New Delhi, on August 21, 1961. It was upgraded as an Indian Institute of Technology in 1963. Previous Ranking : 2011: 2 2010: 2 2009: 1 2008: 1 2007: 2 2006: 1 2005: 1 3. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal Website: The first IIT it was established in 1951 to train engineers and scientists. Among IITs, the Kharagpur institute has the largest campus (2,100 acres), the most departments, an...