A home aquarium for your pet fish

Have you heard the proverb, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' ? If you have, then isn't it time you got your self a hobby? How about fish? Forget dogs, fish could be your best friends. Get yourself an aquarium - a small fish bowl or a rectangular fish tank. Now you need some fish and a few odds and ends. Interested? Then here is what you have to do. Buy a stand for your aquarium or ensure that it is on a secure, level surface, preferably where there is diffused sunlight. Remember that if you put your aquarium in the direct sunlight, you will get algae forming in the tank and your water will become overheated. Buy a clear plastic or glass top for the tank as this will keep the dirt out and help maintain an even water temperature. Now you can start to do up your aquarium. Buy some sand or gravel and soak it overnight before laying it out on the bottom of the tank. Plants are important as they not only add to the visual appeal but also absorb the carbon dioxid...