The 10 Most Useful Travel Gadgets of 2010

Traveling is about keeping it real with your surroundings, yet it’s easy to get lost in the lure of nerdy gadgetry these days (check out “5 Gadgets That May Ruin Your Backpacking Experience” ). Things like GPS systems can keep you from getting down and dirty with locals (just ask for directions, stupid!). However, for those of you who are physically unable to unplug, we give you OTP’s 10 Most Useful Travel Gadgets of 2010. Water Filter Don’t drink the water. You’ll hear it over and over again in just about every country. In fact, you may find that it’s cheaper to buy booze than it is water. Enter the MSR Miox. This little flashlight-sized device only requires batteries to transform that putrid, disease-ridden water into something more drinkable. There’s also the Steripen, which uses ultraviolet rays to turn dirty into liquid clean goodness. Of course, you may prefer the excuse of choosing booze over water but at just over a hundred bucks, it’ll probably save y...