Big Brother back with twist

London: The latest season of Big Brother in Britain started on Wednesday with a twist. It featured an all woman cast of 11 house mates, including a Mumbai born accounts executive, former Cambridge don, a former lap dancer, and a set of twins. The eighth series of the show stared with an apology over the Celebrity Big Brother race row involving Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty. Last week, Of com, the TV watchdog, had ruled that the show had breached its code of conduct thrice. House rules have been updated this time to warn against bullying and to make clear that it is unacceptable to make offensive remarks on the grounds of race, religion or sexuality. The all-female house will be getting its first shot of testosterone when a man will enter as a house mate on Friday. After a controversy over its handling of a vote during Celebrity Big Brother in January, Channel 4 said it will not profit from phone lines this season. 27-year-old Nicky Maxwell, adopted from Mother Teresa's orphanage...