Sex can help relieve stress, work as balm on tired body
Some doctors say that as many as nine of 10 visits to the doctor may be related to stress. But how can you actually reduce stress and avoid a burnout? Instead of staying stressed, a serious attempt must be made to tackle it, so that you can get back fresh and healthy to work even after a stressful event. To control stress, you have to first determine what is the cause. You need to list all the things in your life that you find especially stressful. After you have identified the things you can do something about, and those you cannot control and must learn to accept, you will be a lot more relieved and be able to consciously stop worrying about things you cannot do anything about. Usually, you can find something positive even in the thing that stresses you. You will discover that it is probably not as stressful as you’re making it out to be. Begin each sentence with “at least” whenever you’re stressed out. If you work for a bad boss, remind yourself, “At least I have a job.” At the same...