Why we tend to put on fat?

We have seen how after we stop growing in height all the vital organ systems of the body also stop growing. This means any addition to body mass (weight) thereafter is an extra burden and strain on the vital organ systems. Let us see how our body functions as an energy system. Many conflicting estimates, formulae and theories are put forward regarding our food requirements (mentioned in calories) and energy output (day to day activities and exercise schedules also converted into calories). These are all arbitrary and are not correct in majority of individuals. So, now we talk only of energy intake and energy output. Simply stated this means that the food we take in a day is the energy intake and can be calculated in calories by dividing the food intake into carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Energy output is the sum total of our day to day activities (work, move ment, breathing, digestion of food and any physical exercise that may be added). Without considering any of these details, the...