How to get your website found on Google

I want to talk this lot of times when we talk with non IT organizations, churches who just have this simple question how do we get found on Google. Someone goes down to Google and says "I am looking for hotels in London" or “some church in London” how do we get on page 1 Getting found on Google is called SEO = Search Engine Optimization And if you are in the online business world or in online marketing or advertising you may heard this phrase or know little about it, but lot of times churches don’t know how you get found on Google. They just think it is up to Google. You have good site and it looks really nice and you probably up right on Google and if it’s ugly website you will like on page 10, that’s not true at all because: Google doesn’t have eyes Google is looking at you code Google is weighing other factors Based on algorithm Paid Ads vs. "Organic search" Paid/Sponsored: Google Adwords Main results/free: Organic results Organic results: Tha...