Andhra Pradesh is 4th least corrupt State

A study conducted by the Transparency International India has found that the least corrupt States in the country were Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, in that order.

This study was quoted by the World Bank in its appraisal of the AP economic reforms loan-III (also known as development policy loan) of $ 200 million sanctioned on January 11.

The Opposition may cry hoarse about corruption at high places but the bank gave a clean chit to the State government.

As per the study, Bihar is the most corrupt State, followed by Jammu and Kashmir.

The survey assessed corruption using 11 benchmarks, including rural financial institutions, income tax, municipal services, judiciary, land administration, police, schools, water supply, public distribution system, electricity and government hospitals.

While police is the most corrupt institution throughout the country, it is surprisingly not the case in AP, where government hospitals and water supply are more corrupt.

The State government had been able to bring down corruption by improving the independence, capacity and effectiveness of anticorruption agencies, said the World Bank report. Legislation is introduced in the Assembly to strengthen public procurement, and the e-procurement programme is implemented consistent with existing milestones, the bank observed.

Andhra Pradesh has also been credited as having the best managed power sector, third highest credit rating and third best investment climate. The World Bank has patted the Rajasekhar Reddy government for building on the economic and social reforms initiated by the previous Telugu Desam government — fiscal discipline, improving State’s investment climate, governance reforms, restructuring of public enterprises. “The reform programme has been extended to new areas including liberalisation of agricultural markets, increasing access of poor to land and credit and shifting public expenditure to build rural infrastructure,” the bank said Interestingly, it has referred to the backwardness of Telangana in its report, probably for the first time. It said there were pockets of heavy concentration of poverty and deprivation in the region.


Kapileswar Bolisetti said…
Please sign the petition for tougher anti corruption laws @

And please spread the message

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