Bajaj unveils new scooter Krisrtal

The scooter market is estimated at 10 per cent of the two-wheeler market. Of this, the non-geared scooters count for 35,000 vehicles a month.
Kristal demonstrated the technological superiority of Bajaj Auto and has 25 special features.
The two-wheeler giant Bajaj would also come up with another light sport scooter which is under advanced stages of development.
The all-new 4-stroke Kristal comes with the patented DTS-i technology along with ExhuasTech for better pickup and mileage. The scooter priced at Rs 35,417 (ex-Chennai).
The scooter would be initially available in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, and in other States after three months.

The Krystal is kind of a disappointment. It’s smaller than the [Indian Honda Activa]. It has all sorts of funky angularity built into the design (crystal-like?) The scooter has lots of gadgets added to it, an underseat storage light, light-sensitive sensor for turning on the headlight at night. Turn the ignition key one way and it pops open a gas fill. The underseat compartment can hold a full-face