WORK SMART - Get noticed at promotion time

Some ways to avoid the common mistakes that can hold you back from a rewarding career

Since you started at your company a year ago, several positions of responsibility have opened up. You could have easily slipped into one. Instead, other internal candidates got the nod. The last person who was hired in your company (just two months ago) was even promoted.

You seem to have missed the bus. There must be some way to prevent another opportunity from passing you by? Study these solutions to the four common myths that might have held you back from a rewarding career.

People should just know I am a hard worker: being a hard worker does not mean you will reap the rewards due to you. Every now and then, find a way to toot your own horn. Did you recently receive kudos for a job well done? Find a way to get your boss to acknowledge your success in the compa ny newsletter or up on the bulletin board. Buy yourself a nice scarf, pin or tie as a reminder of that success. When people comment on the item, make sure to tell them what it represents.

My boss knows I want to move up: not unless he is a mind reader. Take some time to work out how you want your job to grow. Have a meeting with your boss and outline your goals. Do not leave the meeting until you have ensured your boss's support. "Will you help me?" is a key question to ask during this interview. It is flattering to your boss, but it is also an essential question, since most often you will need your boss' support to move forward.

My colleague is my friend and would never compete with me for a new opening: of course not – it is only a dynamic new position that pays 10 to 20 per cent more than either of you currently makes. Keep in mind that business comes before friendship in the office. It is not a coffee klatch. While it is great to like your colleagues, keep your eye on the ball and do not get distracted by idle chitchat. Someone may grab the brass ring while you are not looking.

The only way to learn about openings is when HR posts them: you can hear just about anything through the office grapevine. Just avoid the closely related office gossip line. Get to know people in other departments who can fill you in on the comings and goings in their area. A quick "Hi, how was your weekend?" is a good opening to keep in touch with just about anyone. Just make sure you do not linger too long chatting to everyone, or you will be mistaken for a loitering gossip rather than a serious worker who is taking interest in the company The bot . tom line is, be a participant, not an observer, in your career. Stop watching others get ahead, and start taking an active interest in ¦ your profession.

Courtesy: Monster .com


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