Look for genius in your Kid!

A British researcher has devised a list of certain characteristics that parents should look out for to spot hidden talents in their son or daughter, the Daily Mail reported here.
Bernadette Tynan, a former lecturer at the Research Centre for Able Pupils in Oxford, believes the potential of many bright youngsters is not being developed in schools and fails to show up in tests.
"Not all abilities can be captured in simple pen and paper tests. A child may be good at building things, or have great imagination, or be a great leader - gifts like these cannot be measured," Tynan was quoted as saying.
She has identified six types of pupils whose talents may not be recognised.
They are who earned the nickname when they rearranged the goldfish bowls and their classmates' seating arrangements in reception - this could be a very strong indication of leadership and organisational ability.
In primary school, they quickly discovered that by turning their sweets and pocket money into a bank they could make a packet for their holidays - these children are potential Richard Branson (Virgin boss).
Curiosity is their middle name and some might call them nosey - but, if their talent is supported and nurtured, they could become journalists or even Nasa explorers.
Left alone for a few minutes, they can reconstruct the Eiffel Tower from Lego. Such ability at a young age can be a strong indicator they are gifted in design. Ever since they could walk and talk they have always loved writing stories - their imagination is wild and should be kept that way as they could be a new JK Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter.
They don't stop talking and love chatting in class. You can't stop them and shouldn't try to - this is a strong indicator that a child has excellent verbal ability and could have a career as a lawyer or as a TV anchor.
Her list targets parents who she want to help "train" their children's brains to maximise their chances of success at school, using exercises that improve problem solving and reasoning skills.
"There is no such thing as an average Joe in my book. Every child has something. They just need one chance and they really can excel," Ty- nan was quoted as saying.