Now, teaching on the Blogboard

SURYAVEER SINGH, a geography teacher at SD Public School, was at his wit's end trying to get his students excited about his subject. But ever since he started his blog ( in April 2007, not only are students enjoying his classes, they are also performing better.

"I was not doing well in Geography But after sir started his blog, I'm coping with it well. The video links are most interesting," says Chirag Singal, a class XI student. From videos on whalewatching in Kaikoura, New Zealand, to slide-shows on volcanoes and natural wonders, the blog is full of interesting visual tours. Singh says: "Students can talk to me by simply posting their queries or comments on the blog."

About 36 teachers from six schools including Darbari Lal DAV Model School, Pitampura, Kulachi Hansraj Model School and Ved Vyasa DAV Public School, Vikaspuri- have started such blogs. The idea and technical training came from a voluntary group CII-Shiksha, an initiative by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

The blogs have slide shows, animation, great visuals, puzzles, interactive message boards, links to latest happenings in the world and more. Students can read assignments online, download notes and update themselves on what happened in class.

Rashmi Kathuria, a Math teacher at Kulachi Hansraj Model School, says: "Students wait for my post. Sharing comments encourages even shy students to express themselves." She has eight blogs on her subject.


Rashmi Kathuria said…
Thanks Srinivas for making this news as a special post on your blog.It will surely spread a voice to all teachers , to think upon and start using technology and web tools to make teaching-learning a joyful experience.

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